E-Waste CNC Machine Workshop

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.


A workshop to develop e-waste CNC machines at CMU. 

i.) MINI CNC FOAM CUTTER: https://www.instructables.com/id/Mini-CNC-Foam-Cutter/

BOM: X1 Compact Photo Printer X2 Desktop DVD-rom X1 Hairdryer X1 Arduino and USB connection to computer X3 Easy Stepper Motor Drivers X1 Grbl software x1 Supply of Recycled Polystyrene Smaller/optional things: x2 torroidal magnets x2 small springs X1 set of jumpers and breadboard x1 laptop power supply and female power supply jack x1 4-wire ribbon cable x1 heat shrink tubing x2 jewelry crimps x1 set of zip ties x1 wire wrap x1 extractor fan with carbon filter.


ii.) MINI CNC PLOTTER https://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Mini-Plotter/

BOM: Rotring Rapidograph Pen (or any other pen), DVD Drive, Compact Photo Printer like the Canon Selphy (http://www.amazon.com/Canon-Wireless-Portable-Disc…, Card Stock, x3 Easy Stepper Motor Drivers (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12779), Grbl firmware uploaded on the Uno (https://github.com/grbl/grbl), A universal G-Code sender such as this (https://github.com/zapmaker/GrblHoming/releases).